I've made this blog to share my opinions and experiences with those boys who haven't got enough courage to accost the girl who they like or don't even know how to start this all thing. If you're in this group you might find my blog interesting. I always open for your remarks and questions and gladly help you if I can.
Have a good reading!

Sunday, 9 November 2014


Dear Oscar,

You sent your message to me on 4th of October but I found it today morning in the bin because it was a spam and I haven't seen it before. The system automatically delete spams if the person who you send it for doesn't read it in 30 days. Well, it happent now as I didn't see your letter.
When I wanted to answer I noticed that the system deleted it, so please send me your message again so I can answer you as soon as possible!!!!

Greetings, Andi

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